Book Reviews

Mini Thriller Book Reviews! | Recently Read & Currently Reading 🔍


Hello everyone! Before I get started with the post, I just wanted to give a quick life update as I’ve been quite absent from social media lately. My little guinea pig, Loki, passed away recently and I’m still hurting a lot from the unexpected death + literally haven’t been able to function as a human being 😞 I also just started a new part-time job so it’s been a lot to cope, but I’m hoping that things will get better in time to come.

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Anyways, I’m back today with another recently read & currently reading blogpost and I’m going to be talking about the three thriller novels I read the past month.

I’m actually quite surprised to have even picked up thriller novels because it’s not a genre that I ever gravitate to, but I’m definitely looking forward to reading more in time to come and excited to be sharing my thoughts on the books below too. So, let’s get started with the reviews 🙂

Presenting to you the book that started my thriller book marathon!!! I’ve had this book on my TBR for ages and I finally read it. Well, more like binged the whole book in a day 🤓

To be honest, I didn’t have super high expectations because the storyline sounded simple enough (link to the synopsis on the book title!) but WOW I was extremely hooked to the story and had to keep reading because I was dying to just solve it. It’s a truly messed up story, once all the layers unfold, and it’s bound to leave you appalled at how messed up these characters can be. The ending was pretty good as well and I didn’t end up guessing who the criminal was, which I usually prefer when reading thrillers anyway because that makes the whole story more suspenseful!

Would highly recommend this if you’re looking for a quick and captivating thriller!

(Trigger warnings for self-harm, abuse, drugs) 

Sooooo, this was my first Gillian Flynn novel and I’m pretty disappointed…

I pretty much picked this up because of the TV adaptation (which I’ve still not watched yet) and I guess I did have higher expectations since her books are always raved about!! The book follows Camille, a journalist, who returns to her hometown to cover the story of two preteen girls who were murdered and ends up trying to figure out who the murderer is too.

It did sound like a very interesting story when I read the synopsis but I think every aspect of the story pretty much fell flat for me. I found the storyline to be extremely draggy and put down the book numerous times because I got bored. I also didn’t find myself attached to any of the characters (since they’re all kinda horrible too) and nothing about the ending really shocked me at all. Still trying to see why so many people love this book and I guess this might be an unpopular opinion, but it just wasn’t for me.

This could top the list for one of the most disturbing books I’ve read in 2018. IT’S SO WEIRD AND CREEPY?!??!!

This book follows Hanna, a 7 year old girl who’s just really evil, and her mother Suzette who is basically being tortured by Hanna. The story alternates between both their POVs so we get insight as to what they’re thinking / the intentions behind Hanna’s actions etc. I think it was just overall really creepy how intelligent and disturbing Hanna was at that age and seeing all the things she did to her mother was horrible.

But that is what makes this book terrifying for readers and it worked for me. However, I found myself disengaged to the storyline at times and ended up skimming through most of it.


Those are my thoughts on the three thriller novels I’ve read and I hope you all enjoyed it!

I would love to know if you’ve read any of these too / if you’ve read any other great thriller novels recently, so feel free to let me know in the comments. Hope you’re having a good week so far too and I’ll see you in my next post! 👋


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